High quality beauty Guo Caijie share face massage

It is said that the current villain role is getting more and more interesting. The sweeter the girl, the more she loves to challenge herself and the villain. Guo Caijie has always appeared in the image of a small girl. The small face with a big palm is matched with a short and short hair. It is both a gas field and a very friendly one. How can such a small face be practiced?

High quality beauty Guo Caijie Share face massage

Compared with beauty equipment, using traditional wood to tap acupuncture points and dredge meridians, it is safe and effective to achieve the desired skin care effect. This method is more effective than freehand massage, and avoids some people's high-tech. Product rejection.

For the maintenance of acupressure , we are divided into three aspects: eye, face, shoulder and neck!

High quality beauty Guo Caijie Share face massage

Eye massage:

The eye is the most prone to aging, not just wrinkles, small pigmentation or edema eye bags will make you look tired, so keeping your eyes bright is the key to making you look young! This is like a small sand hammer. It can be massaged at both ends. By tapping, it can speed up the circulation around the eyes and avoid the formation of dark circles and bags under the eyes.

According to the acupuncture point map of the eye, starting from the bamboo hole, the fish waist hole, the silk bamboo cavity, the weeping hole, and finally the eye point, from the inside to the outside, gently click, repeat 3-5 round trips, just At the beginning of the press, the intensity should be slightly lighter, and gradually increase the intensity. The correct acupoint click will make the muscles around the eyes completely relaxed, and the cycle will accelerate.

High quality beauty Guo Caijie Share face massage

Facial massage:

Many girls want to create a delicate and compact V-face. In addition to the use of a firming, cellulite-free face-lifting product, the combination of massage tools can achieve twice the result with half the effort, more obvious than the hand-applied. We saw this heart-shaped smooth wooden tool that can help us improve the lines of the face, and the puffy baby cheeks and double chin can be effectively improved.

First slowly pour the head to the left side, hold the outside with your right hand, let the heart-shaped notch face inward, one of the sharp corners outward, then start from the chin, pass the cheek to the ear, the facial waste water is discharged, repeat 3-5 times before Turn your head to the right and repeat the steps above. It is also possible to use the protrusions of the heart-shaped notch to perform acupuncture points. They are the temples, the grounds, the acupoints and the water pockets, which promote the blood circulation of the face. >>> First aid anti-acne apple vinegar can also be skin care

High quality beauty Guo Caijie Share face massage

Shoulder and neck massage:

Just the "small sand hammer" we just mentioned, the other end of it can also be used as a massage tool for the shoulder and neck. As the frequency of use of the computer increases, the tired neck and neck will make you develop a habit of hunchback, a thick curve. It is easy to have an old feeling. The tapping of the shoulder points can make the neck and neck more relaxed, and the slender neck is more upright. According to the indication of the acupoint map of the shoulder, pressing the shoulder hole, the Qufu point and the Fengfu point from the outside to the inside, it is still repeated 3-5 round trips to let the shoulder and neck completely relax.


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