Healthy eating of milk for diet

The milk is sweet and slightly cold, and it has the effects of thirst, nourishing the intestines, clearing heat and laxative, and nourishing the spleen. By properly processing the milk or blending it with other foods, it can be made into a variety of "food milk."

Here are seven healthy ways to eat for your diet:

1, milk porridge. 250 ml of fresh milk, 60 g of rice, and sugar. First boil the rice into a half-boiled, go to the rice soup, add milk, simmer into a porridge, add sugar to stir, fully dissolve Serve. Take warm food in the morning and evening, pay attention to keep fresh, do not deteriorate. Can compensate for deficiency, spleen and stomach, run the five internal organs. Applicable to weak strain, lack of blood, post-illness win, malnutrition and other symptoms. Milk porridge produced by dairy processing plants has a variety of formulas that form sweet, salty and other flavors. Its sterilization time is short and nutrient loss is small.

2, egg milk. First cook the eggs, remove the eggshells and protein, and grind the egg yolks with a spoon. Add the milk and mix well. In addition to protein, fat, and vitamin A, egg yolk also contains iron and phosphorus. This product is suitable for iron deficiency anemia, as well as infants who need to supplement calcium for four or five months.

3, mutton milk thistle. 250 grams of mutton, 20 grams of ginger, 100 grams of yam, 250 ml of milk. Wash the mutton into small pieces, cut into pieces of ginger, put them into the casserole, add some water, simmer for 7-8 hours, stir well, remove the rotten residue, leave the mutton soup, add the sliced ​​yam, boil, then pour Into the milk, boil it. This product is warm in the tonic, Yijing qi, suitable for post-mortem (postpartum) limb cold, fatigue, shortness of breath and other symptoms. You can take a meal every day, and even take 5 to 7 days for a course of treatment. When serving this party, it is not advisable to eat other drugs at the same time. It is best to supplement the millet jujube lotus seed porridge every morning (60 grams of millet, 10 jujubes, 18 grams of lotus seeds and boiled porridge).

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