Simple little tricks help you create the ultimate hip

The first trick: hanging and sitting

The hip exercise is indispensable for the main action of "squatting". The hip muscles are directly mobilized while sitting, and if you carry heavy weight exercises, you can create stronger muscle tissue. The key to completing the action is to maintain the center of gravity.

Action essentials: feet are separated, shoulder width. The crotch slowly descends, imagine yourself sitting in an invisible chair and then returning to a standing position. Make sure your knees do not exceed your toes. Keep your torso tight and your back straight. This action is done 3 times at a time, each group does 15 times, and each exercise is done 3 times a week. Help you to practice your hips effectively.

The second measure: the front lunge

This action also consumes a lot of heat while shaping the hip shape and adjusting the thigh and calf muscles.

Action essentials: The feet are separated, the crotch is unfolded, and one foot takes a big step forward. The body slowly descends, bends both knees, and then resumes standing. When you are done, repeat the previous action for the other foot. Do not bend the knee more than 90 degrees, support the ankle on the front knee, and do not reach the ground on the back knee.


The third measure: reverse lunge

When doing a reverse lunge, the hip muscles will get more exercise and increase the movement pattern. The lunge also enhances the flexibility of the sedentary buttocks and the stability of the center of gravity.

Action essentials: same as the front lunge, but need to move backwards. Remember not to exceed your toes when your front knees are bent.

The fourth measure: side lunge

The lateral lunge measures the lateral and hip muscles of the buttocks and adjusts the shape of the inner thigh.

Action essentials: The legs are largely separated from the sides of the body, while the knees are bent to the side. Keep your cheekbones under the curved knees and perpendicular to the ground. If the legs are too wide, bend your knees to the inside of the foot and take the steps back. When doing the movement, the body is slightly inclined to the side, but the shoulder should not exceed the position of the knee to avoid injury; at the same time, the hand should do the proper movement to maintain balance.

The fifth measure: fitness ball assisted leg lift

Put the ball in the position of the stomach, kneel on the ball, and raise the leg with both hands. Lifting the ball on the ball not only can exercise the buttocks, but also make the shoulders and abdominal muscles strong. When your strength is increased, try to raise your legs at the same time - this action is more difficult and the hips are better.

Action essentials: Keep your abdominal muscles tight, your back flat, and tighten your hip muscles when you lift your legs. For beginners, it is not necessary to lift too high, a few centimeters is enough. Also, pay attention to the lower back muscles.


Sixth trick: use your body to bridge

This movement is very classic, the effect of exercising the buttocks muscles is wonderful, and the leg ligaments and ankles can be exercised.

Action essentials: first lie flat, then slowly lift the back, while the knees are bent, the feet open and the same width, support the body. When lifting your back, start from the caudal vertebrae and slowly lift the spine off the floor, one spine at a time (Editor's note: my yoga instructor also said this, but I think this is only in the imagination), while tightening the hips Muscle, tighten the legs and tendons. When the shoulders and knees form a straight line, keep it for a while and then lie back on the ground.

Seventh trick: side lift legs

This action is designed to practice the two smaller muscle groups of the buttocks - the gluteus medius and the gluteus brevis. You only need to raise your legs.

Action essentials: Lying on the floor on the side, lift up one leg on the top. Keep your ankles sideways, your torso still, and your knees forward. If you want to exercise some other muscles, you can raise your legs up.

Eighth trick: dog-style hips

In the 1970s , this movement was called "fire hydrant type", which exercised two groups of muscles on the buttocks.

Action essentials: knees and squats are wide, hands hold the ground, and the elbows are straight. The abdominal muscles are softly applied (the muscles are hardened), keeping the natural state of the back, not collapsed and not arched. Slowly lift your knees to one side and swing your ankles out of your torso.

In addition to these seven strokes can help you practice your hips, let us look at the practice of hips, what should we pay attention to in the diet?

First, eat more fruits and vegetables

Pumpkin, sweet potato and taro are rich in fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal motility, reduce the chance of constipation, and create a slim and fit lower body. Corn oil, olive oil and sunflower oil all contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids. Using them instead of animal fats can give you both beauty and health.


Second, eat more fish

Fish not only has lower calories than meat, but also contains more protein, minerals, and vitamins, which can promote metabolism and body fat consumption.

Third, drink plenty of water

Water can remove metabolic waste and prevent swelling. Experts recommend drinking one to two liters a day, and only drink pure water! The so-called "fruit water" will make you unknowingly eat unnecessary additives.

Fourth, reduce the intake of animal fat

Eating too much cream or cheese not only makes the blood tend to be acidic, it is easy to fatigue, and it also causes fat to accumulate in the lower body, causing the hips to sag.

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