How to choose a solid wood bed?

The bed is the most important part of a bed. If a bed does not have a bedside table, it does not prevent it from being a bed. Even if there is no bedside, it does not matter. But if there is no bed, it is not a bed.

So how do you choose a bed?

When choosing a solid wood bed, you should look at the crossbar under the bedboard. It is best to find the crossbar that you can see. Generally speaking, the more the crossbar, the better. The thicker the bedboard, the better. Be optimistic about whether the bed is dry and not damp. Then the bedboards are best piece by piece. I mean there is a gap in the middle, which is easier to ventilate. The benefits are obvious. Then there is the bedside, the bed must be optimistic about the materials, and the staff, the materials in front of the introduction, will not elaborate.

How to choose a solid wood bed? .jpg

When buying a bed, the first thing to look at is the size.

First, depending on the size of your bedroom, don't buy it home is not appropriate, or simply can't put it down. I have seen a lot of this situation, don't forget, you still have a bedside, the bedside table is there, so to be good size, it is best to take the data to the mall, let the staff help you find the right range.

Second, according to your own feelings, you like to sleep high bed to buy a high size, you like low to buy a low size. This should be handled according to my own situation. For example, I can sleep in a high bed, so I never consider this when I buy a bed.

Third, it is style. This is the same as above. One depends on the style of the bedroom, or the overall home style of the home, it is best to match it. This has been mentioned before, but I won’t say it here. Second, we must look at our own preferences. If it is a double, then we have to discuss it.

Extended reading: detailed explanation of the skeleton and electric row skeleton, soft bed row skeleton

Finally, you should be reminded that the bottom of the bed must be damp! Don't drag the paint a few times.

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