Some Suggestions on Corrugated Paper Box National Standards

Carton packaging has the characteristics of low price, simple and easy packaging, and a wide range of packaging. Therefore, cartons are one of the most commonly used packaging forms in China. However, the current “GB6543-86” carton standard is not satisfactory. Since the standard was released in 1986, it has been 14 years old, and the standard has not been revised, the problem of this standard has not been solved. Can be corrected, resulting in the implementation of this standard, especially as a supervisory inspection, it is very difficult to operate, and the problems that exist in the standard are proposed for discussion.
First, the use of adhesives should be clearly pointed out that food packaging cartons should be glued with starch adhesives. At present, some manufacturers still use glass adhesives. Glass glue contains harmful components to the human body, so the country has explicitly prohibited the use of On food packaging. The current carton standard lags behind national policy obviously. There are no restrictive regulations on this issue, resulting in the fact that this phenomenon cannot be supported by the supervision inspection and can only be recognized.
Second, the shaking cover folding test no environmental conditions We know that the paper's raw material is pulp, composed of plant fibers, so the paper is a very easy to absorb moisture. China has a vast area and geographical differences. In the summer, the south is humid and the humidity is very high. The cartons produced need to be dried even though the north is dry and the humidity is low. Especially in some areas, it is extremely dry and the cartons produced do not have to be dried. It will dry soon in natural climates.
The current carton standard does not consider regional differences in the folding cover folding test, and does not specify the environmental conditions for the test. In other words, the test can be performed under different humidity conditions, and humidity affects this. The important factor of the test results. This resulted in inconsistent enforcement standards. The same batch of cartons could pass this test in Guangzhou. However, in the same experiment in Xinjiang, it is very likely that the cracks will be unqualified. In the ten years we supervised and inspected the carton products, especially during the summer. The failure rate of the folding test is very high.
Third, the physical performance test project is not clear This standard describes the performance in the performance test "performance, including compressive strength, impact strength, anti-loading strength, etc., specified in the specific product carton standard or agreed by the supply and demand sides."
The standard has been published for more than a decade, and the corrugated box standard for specific products has never been seen out. What physical performance items need to be checked in the actual inspection work, and this standard has no intention of handling this issue. However, the performance test items agreed upon by both parties are frivolous, and the product performance can truly reflect the inherent quality of the product. Therefore, the physical performance inspection items of each product are clearly stipulated by the standard, and should not be agreed by the supply and demand parties. What projects do not do. The formulation of national standards must be clear, scientific, and easy to implement.
We believe that in order to improve the level and quality of carton packaging in China, it is convenient for enterprises and quality supervision departments to implement standards. The current carton standards must be updated and revised as soon as possible. (Ma Jianxiang Zhang Shengjun)

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