Grain Seed Packaging Should Embody Four Prominences

With the further improvement of the market economy system, all kinds of seed packaging have been improved accordingly. However, as far as grain seeds are concerned, they are still mountains and rivers, and their appearance has not changed. Basically, they still use large woven bags for uniform packaging. When peasants buy seeds, they have to prepare a small woven bag for themselves, and how much to buy, and what is the difference between such seed packaging and “no packaging”? In any case, farmers have to bring their own packaging when they purchase a plant. Such packaging can easily be faked by the bad guys. In order to regulate grain seed packaging and in order to create our own seed brand, I would like to make four suggestions for grain seed packaging:
The first is to highlight the brand because the seed is also a commodity, and it is a special commodity. Therefore, in the fierce market competition, we should also strive to create a famous brand and emphasize the brand name effect. However, the current seed market is not brand competition but name competition. For example, corn seed "Nongda 108". All the corn seeds produced in the same standard in the country are called “Nongda 108”. The same name and the same price are also used in the seed company’s franchise. The author believes that “Nongda 108” is just a name for corn seed. Just like the proprietary Chinese medicine “Wuji Baifeng Pill”, no matter which pharmaceutical company produces the same formula, the proprietary Chinese medicine is called “Wuji Baifeng Pill”. However, due to the brand names “Tongren” and “Huiren” in front of the drug name, the patient has more room for selection. Therefore, the seeds are the same. In front of “Nongda 108,” they should also be branded “Zhang San” and “Li Si”, respectively, according to their respective production areas. At the same time, they are very eye-catchingly printed on the packaging. Naturally, it forms an intangible competitiveness. The survival of the fittest in the seed market may also be realized from then on. It will play an invaluable role in the development of China's grain seed business.
The second is to highlight the species. Judging from the current market situation, whether it is rice, sorghum, millet or wheat, the same woven bags are used for packaging, giving people a very casual feeling. As far as the current fertilizer packaging is concerned, many manufacturers have already introduced different packaging according to the variety of fertilizers, such as white woven bags for common phosphate fertilizers and yellow woven bags for granular phosphate fertilizers, while the compound fertilizers use pink weaving. bag. Therefore, seed packaging should also use different packaging according to the type of food, which is conducive to identification and regulation, so that grain seed packaging has its own characteristics.
Once again, the specifications are highlighted. The example of corn seeds is the current situation. Farmers need to bring their own woven bags to seed companies when they are planting. How much they use is very troublesome. And generally speaking, with mechanized sowing, 2.5 kg of corn seed is needed for an acre of land. Then, we can put 2.5 kg, 5 kg, and 10 kg of mules on the corn seed packaging. To 40 kg of packaging. In this way, as long as the farmer purchases a plant, he only has to mix it up according to the area he is planting. This is very convenient. The Other grain seeds can be similarly introduced, and "unit packaging" is introduced to facilitate farmers to purchase seeds.
The fourth is to highlight that from the current situation, although farmers have appealed for seed descriptions for many years, they have still not attracted the attention of the seed management department. This may be due to the fact that the seed companies are also in a “monopoly” position. However, seed descriptions are crucial to farmers anyway. Moreover, the number of seed disputes has also increased year by year. The author believes that important indicators such as the density of seedlings and the germination rate should be prominently printed on the outer packaging of seeds, and for other growth characteristics, disease resistance, and management requirements, a separate “clear paper” can be attached. . In short, we must pay attention to the role of the “specification”, and the quality supervision department should promote it as a mandatory standard to ensure that the interests of farmers are not harmed (Zhang Yuanyun, Yuanping City, Shanxi Province) (from “China Packaging News”)

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