Maintenance of the mahogany mahogany furniture can be well maintained to "long life"

[ Chinese wardrobe net ] mahogany furniture is expensive, the craftsmanship is excellent, and the mahogany furniture of wood is more valuable for collection and appreciation. It is well known that mahogany furniture is durable, but it should be kept away from heat and moisture when using it. Please be careful not to scratch it with sharp objects when cleaning. Only use it properly and maintain it properly to prolong its service life.

When placing mahogany furniture, keep away from heat sources and keep at least 1 meter. The mahogany furniture is too close to the heat source, which will cause the moisture in the furniture wood to evaporate due to the transition, which causes the seams and shackles of the furniture to shrink, which causes the deformation of the sputum and the cracking of the panel. Wiping the beeswax on the back and inside of the furniture is also an important way to reduce moisture loss in the wood. In order to prevent the mahogany furniture from being cracked and deformed due to being too dry, the humidity should be appropriately increased indoors, such as wiping the floor with a damp cloth or using a humidifier or fish. Mahogany furniture is not only afraid of heat, fear of drying, but also afraid of moisture, so it is best not to place the furniture directly next to the high humidity objects.

Mahogany furniture

Mahogany furniture

The mahogany furniture should be placed flat and not four legs on one plane. The whole furniture should be perpendicular to the ground, otherwise it will easily cause deformation of the furniture, which will eventually lead to seam opening and shorten the service life of the furniture. When the furniture moves, it is best to move and move, do not pull hard, otherwise it will easily cause the lower end of the leg and leg. For mahogany furniture with drawers, it is recommended to drop a few drops of wax on the underside of the drawer or on the drawer to reduce friction and extend the life of the furniture. Do not use a damp cloth to remove dust from the surface of mahogany furniture. The surface of the furniture should be gently rubbed off and then wiped with a dry cotton cloth to prevent particles from damaging the surface of the furniture.

New mahogany furniture sometimes makes a sudden sound, as long as the above requirements are maintained, there is no problem, the sound is due to the normal phenomenon caused by the shrinkage of the furniture panel.

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