Vacheron Constantin has broken his head

Many Vacheron Constantin users in the use of watches to adjust the time in the process of accidentally caused the bar and other broken case, Vacheron Constantin users in such a situation do not know if the Vacheron Constantin watches to take maintenance measures. Today, the Vacheron Constantin Watch Warranty and Warranty Service points out information on how to deal with a broken head. Once the Vacheron Constantin watch user finds the lever broken, the crown and other parts should be stowed to prevent the crown from being lost. In the latter part of the repair process to increase the cost of custom head, and watch the operation of the watch. Take a look or through the hearing to identify balance and other operations are normal, there is no abnormal sound. And promptly sent the watch to Vacheron Constantin service point for overhauling. Users should not be found in the process of handling the case of broken rod will force the rod to force the watch inside the strong plug, causing the movement appeared Caton. Very easy to cause movement problems. The above is about Vacheron Constantin head broken repair related information, more about Vacheron Constantin watches other problems you can click on the online consultation service or call 400-880-7473 phone consultation.

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