School-enterprise cooperation to develop new food packaging materials

Environmental protection and food are hot topics in society today. In the food industry, production, packaging, waste disposal, etc. may all have adverse effects on the environment. Therefore, degradable food packaging materials are thus more popular with consumers. Recently, according to Changzhou City Science and Technology Bureau, a local company cooperated with universities to successfully develop biodegradable composite materials. Once it is successfully promoted, it will effectively reduce white pollution in the food industry.

The key technology R&D and industrialization of bio-based composite materials, jointly completed by Changzhou Long Jun Tian Chun Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. and Jiangnan University, recently passed the scientific and technological achievements appraisal of the expert group, which is China's bio-based composite polymer material field. A major breakthrough.

The group of 7 industry authorities headed by Academician Li Jian of Northeast Forestry University unanimously agreed that the project is in line with the national industrial policy, has a good demonstration and leading role, and has taken the lead in realizing industrial production applications, with significant economic, social and ecological benefit.

According to reports, bio-based biodegradable composite products have the advantages of decomposable properties, non-agglomerating combustion, and no toxic and harmful gases. Raw materials are mainly obtained from the processing of agricultural products such as corn and potatoes. The entire process only produces carbon dioxide and water. The food packaging bags (boxes) made of this composite material can be degraded and regenerated, effectively eliminating white pollution and protecting the environment.

Changzhou Longjun Tianchun Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in R&D, production, sales and service of bio-based composite polymer materials and products. It has independent intellectual property rights for key technologies of this project and has obtained national patents for authorization 10 2 pieces of utility model patents and utility models.

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