How much is the price of exterior wall paint?

Exterior wall tiles are no longer the only option. Over time, exterior wall tiles have slowly turned into exterior paint. Do you know the external wall paint? The following editor will bring you the price of the external wall paint. How much is the price of a square and what are the main types of external wall paint?

How much is the price of exterior coating

The price of exterior wall paint is the price of labor cost plus the price of exterior wall paint. Among them, the workmanship and technology of workers also have a lot of relationship. If it is a flat coating effect, then putty putty twice, once the primer, if the topcoat is twice, the price is estimated to be about 15, the external wall flat coating market contractor The price of the package material is relatively different. The price of ordinary coatings is roughly in the range of more than 20 pieces or even a dozen pieces. The price of well-known brand paints is about 30.

There are also many types of exterior coatings, and the weather resistance of different coatings is different. At present, the most common external wall coating is acrylic paint. The national regulations on weather resistance is five years. Of course, it has a lot to do with construction. For example, the methods of the workers, the proportion of water, the moisture content of the wall, the temperature and moderation during construction, and the wind speed will all affect the construction of the paint. Under normal circumstances, the paint is about 10%, the wall should be kept dry, the temperature during construction should not be less than 5 degrees, and the wind power is within 5 degrees. Prices range from 30 yuan to 200 yuan. The construction process of each kind of paint in each area is different, but also very different.

What are the main types of exterior wall paint

Thin type

Some exterior wall paints have light latex paints, which have thick texture and thin texture. It is a thin coating made of organic polymer materials as the main film-forming substance, plus different pigments, fillers and aggregates. It is characterized by water resistance, acid resistance, alkali resistance, freeze-thaw resistance and other characteristics.

When using it, it should be noted that it cannot be rained within 8 hours after construction. If it is rainy construction, you need to stop working and wait. The wind is not suitable for construction when it is above level 4, and the temperature can be constructed above 5 ℃. The appliance must not be stained with cement, lime, etc.

Multi-layer color pattern

Multi-layer pattern-type exterior wall coating is a new type of architectural coating with aggregate based on acrylic emulsion and polymer materials as the main film-forming substances. It is divided into three types: bottom glaze coating, skeleton coating and top glaze coating. The glaze coating serves to close the surface of the substrate and increase the binding force between the aggregate and the substrate.

It has good weather resistance; it has a good penetration effect on the wall surface and is firmly combined; it is not subject to temperature restrictions and can be constructed below zero degrees; it is easy to construct and can use a variety of spraying processes; it can be configured in various colors according to requirements.

Colored sand

Color sand coating is made of acrylic copolymer emulsion as adhesive, made of high-temperature burning colored ceramic particles or natural colored stone chips as aggregate, plus additives and other auxiliary agents.

The coating is non-toxic, non-solvent pollution, quick-drying, non-flammable, resistant to strong light, no fading, and good pollution resistance. The use of different combinations of aggregates can form different layers of deep colors and obtain a rich color texture similar to natural stone. There are two types of colored sand coatings: monochrome and polychromatic.


Thick exterior paint is acrylic concave and convex latex primer, which is made of organic polymer materials-styrene, acrylic acid, latex liquid as the main film-forming substance, plus different pigments, fillers and aggregates. coating.

The characteristics are good water resistance, alkali resistance, pollution resistance, weather resistance, easy construction and maintenance.

The above is how much the price of exterior paint brought to you by the editor is what kind of introductions are there for a square of exterior paint, do you know more about it after reading it? I hope it can help everyone, if you want to know other For related information, please continue to pay attention to this website, stay tuned for more exciting!

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Exterior paint

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